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Friday, June 19, 2009

First Ultrasound

Lil' Divasaur at 7w2d - hb 182
He/She is on her back with his/her head toward the middle of the pic. The yolk sac sort of looks like a halo!

Yesterday I had my first ultrasound. It was actually scheduled for Wednesday, but in the morning I got a call that doc wasn't feeling well and rescheduled our appointment for yesterday. I had a hard time concentrating all day at work and my emotions felt raw. My worries from a few weeks ago had subsided some, but I still had that nagging, anxious little voice running in the background. I came home to pick up Mr. Divasaur and had a mini-meltdown! He just let me cry and asked if there was anything he could do. He knew I was just feeling overwhelmed. I got myself together and we headed to the doc's office.

Once there, they had us meet with their insurance billing specialist to tell us how much the Little Being is going to cost us. The final amount? A whopping $15.00! Yep, you're reading that correctly. Yay for wonderful insurance! We settled our account with cash. It was awesome.

Then the nurse came and got me, took my blood pressure (117/72) and my weight (I have lost 5 lbs. since my BFP). Then she settled us into one of the u/s rooms. We are extremely lucky that my doc does a u/s every appointment because they have the machines in-house. I changed into the little robe (they had cloth ones...SO much nicer than the dreaded paper ones) and first she did a breast exam and pap smear (I was due for my annual) and then a transvaginal u/s. There we saw the Little Being and heard the heart beat clear and strong going 182 beats per minute! Mr. Divasaur and I both welled up with tears when we heard it. It is the most amazing sound.
She snapped the pic you see above, gave us a new EDD of February 2, 2010 and that was it. After I dressed she came back and asked if we had any questions. We went over a few and we were done. I'll see her again in four weeks on July 16. I forgot to ask if that's when we'll do an NT Scan, so I'll need to call her office.

The whole thing made it feel so much more "real." It's bizarre to be growing another person inside of you but not feel it (other than symptoms) and not really know what is going on in there. Mr. Divasaur tucked the pic of our Little Being into his shirt pocket and was so proud. It was too cute. To celebrate we went to sushi. I have been enjoying non-raw items about once a week and they are SO good. Especially on a hot day...yesterday was near 100 degrees here! Ooh! I also have a new favorite treat for when I am feeling queasy and cannot eat anything. Jamba Juice's Strawberry Surfrider! Oh so delish! It's a smoothie made with fresh lemonade, lime sherbet, frozen peaches and frozen strawberries. YUM! I add a little protein and fiber boost and it hits the spot and calms my nausea. I think I'll get one today!


  1. Aww, congrats on the U/S and successful appointment. I'll have to check out that smoothie - it sounds delish!

  2. Ummmmmmmmmmm YAY! What a cutie patootie you have in that picture there. It is so exciting!!

    I have my first u/s in 18 days (supposed to be exactly 8 weeks at that point) ... and I cannot WAIT!

  3. Yay! Congrats! I can't wait to hear the HB. We couldn't hear it yet, only saw the little flicker. But I'm grateful for that.

    I've totally been craving for Jamba Juice, too! But I haven't had one yet! Since my nausea has started, I'm thinking I might have to hit them up a bit more often. I love Caribbean Passion but I may have to try out your Strawberry Surfrider, too.
