Who wants to play a game?! Visit Channel4.com to check out
The Great Sperm Race! You control a single sperm that has to race through the vagina, navigate the cervix, make it through the uterus and all the way up the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg.
Below is the only screenshot I got - the rest of the time I was too busy shrieking at my stupid sperm to turn around/why are you going that way/move faster/don't run into the white blood cell. Because it might just be my lame gaming skills, but this game was hard!
But after 30 solid minutes of playing, I triumphed! No idea if I made a boy or a girl (you have to select chromosomes as part of the game) because at that stage I was racing too fast to pay attention.
Have fun!
TIP: after about 10 minutes of frantically pounding the keys, I realized that the down arrow does nothing. NOTHING! It won't back you up or turn you around. Only use the up, left and right arrows. Oh, and up means
forward, not up (i.e., if your sperm is facing the bottom of your screen, pressing the up arrow will make him go
further toward the bottom, not up toward the top of the screen).
P.S. I sent the link to Mr Bibliosaur, who beat it in 5 minutes. Maybe less. Obviously I need to leave this kind of thing to the pros.
hysterical..who knew there were such games??
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping DH's spermies are better at navigating to the egg that I am! I totally sucked! I made it to the ute but could never get past those white blood cells. FAIL.