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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Armed and ready

I'm currently revving up for the 1.5 week wait. Not the infamous 2WW before taking a pregnancy test, but the wait after Aunt Flo leaves town and I ovulate. I've even stocked up on supplies!

This is probably silly, but I bought the same brands as when I got my first positive OPK and HPT. I'm not particularly superstitious and don't really believe in luck, but hey, I'll take any help I can get (although I suppose you could also take them as BAD omens since I miscarried the first time around).

I really like the digital ovulation test, so I stocked up with a new test holder and seven strips.

I hate how ambiguous OPK lines can be, so I really appreciate the clear little smiley face that tells you if you're likely to ovulate soon.

I didn't go digital for the HPT because I've heard that they're less sensitive than the traditional sticks; I have no idea if this is accurate or just hearsay.

Plus the regular ole test was very clear for me last time (a nice solid, dark second line), so I'm sticking with it. I'm unadventurous like that.

I am totally ready. Bring it on.


  1. That happy face is too cute! And you're right, you are totally ready. I wish you lots of luck and fun trying.

  2. LOL! I am right there with you! CD6 and counting...CBEFM is primed and ready to go! At least it satisfies my need to POAS! GL! Maybe we'll be BFP buddies?

  3. Good luck this month Bibliosaur!
