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Monday, April 27, 2009

Assisting the process

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Now that we’ve firmly established that I am totally Type A I have been thinking about all the ways I can help myself get KU. The obvious aside (timed sex around O, charting, OPKs and CBEFM) here are steps I have already taken:

1) Cut out all caffeine, except for 1.5 cups of Green Tea before O. (It’s supposed to help with EWCM.)
2) Radically overhauled my way of eating. No added salt, sugar or fat. By sticking to 5-6 minimeals/day made up of lean protein, low fat dairy, fresh veggies and fruit and high fiber carbs (like quinoa and brown rice), drinking lots of water (2-3 liters/day) I have dropped 22 lbs. I would like to lose more and plan to do so until I get a BFP. But I am doing it slowly so I don’t freak my body out into being annovulatory.
3) Cut out all alcohol. Well I did imbibe during my last AF, but hey! I was on vacation! And I limited myself to 2 drinks/day if at all.
4) Walking 1.5-3 miles/day and resistance training.
5) Taking vitamins everyday. PNV plus Flax Seed, calcium, magnesium and B complex.
6) Getting more sleep. Aiming for at least 8 hours/day.

This cycle I have been thinking…what if I can conceive but it is implantation that may be impeded. The first step is getting the sperm to meet the egg. But then it has to implant. And if it doesn’t then you’re not KU. So I have been researching some TTC supplementation that aides in implantation:
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1) Baby Asprin- Take only one (1) per day. a/k/a Children’s Aspirin - 81 mg Start at any time of cycle. Aspirin is known to suppress natural killer cells in the uterus, so it is used for those with immune problems. Because Aspirin thins your blood, it also improves blood flow to the ovaries, improving follicle development, and improves blood flow to the uterus, improving the quality of the uterine lining. This increases the odds that implantation will be successful. Also, during pregnancy, it will help prevent miscarriage in those prone to blood clots. Having blood clots form in the placenta and/or umbilical cord is the cause of many of these pregnancy losses.
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2) Pineapple Core- cut into 5 equal pieces, eat from 1-5DPO. Supposed to aid in implantation. Make sure it is the core only.

I also read on many blogs and sites about women using the Instead SoftCup after sex to help keep the semen close to the cervix. I have used Instead before for its intended use during my period, but this “off label” use has intrigued me. Basically, you put it in after intercourse and leave it in for 6-8 hours. It supposedly holds the sperm closer to the cervix so they have a better chance of making their way to the egg. Sounds logical to me and surely beats trying to prop my legs up after sex to keep the swimmers in place!

So I picked up a 7 pack from Walgreen’s this weekend. Seems like an easy, relatively inexpensive, low-tech way to help things along. At least it cannot hurt the process. Instead is made from medical grade silicone and is sperm friendly. So I will be sure to pick up some Baby Aspirin today and some fresh pineapple later in the week. The core is tough and bitter, so I will be blending it into a smoothie along with some strawberries.
Finally, I have been practicing positive thinking and guided meditation specifically on getting pregnant, enhanced fertility and having a healthy body and baby. It’s been a great way to relax and just remind myself that no matter how hard we try. It will happen when it’s supposed to happen. All we can do is be as prepared as possible for that moment to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good, but I wouldn't take the aspirin unless your doctor has advised you to do so.

    It can be very hard on your liver and baby.

