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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going with the flow

So, last night when Mr. Divasaur got home from work we talked about the timing thing. Let me just say, I love this man. He's so free and easy going and takes life as it comes. Sometimes, I could be more like that! After putting everything out there we've decide to take the plunge now. AF is due this weekend and then I will be off to cycle #3 off BCP and charting. I break out the CBEFM this cycle too. So, we're gonna go for it and see what happens. That means I could get KU in the next few weeks if the stars align for us. Scary and exciting all at once. And not exactly what I was planning, but that seems to be the point here. No matter what you plan, when it comes to babymaking sometimes you just gotta go with the flow.

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