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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'm out this round. I took a HPT before we left for Paris and got a BFN. I also took another one while there and got another BFN. Booooooo......

Luckily, Aunt Flo didn't start until the day I got home. Talk about perfect timing :-) I'm a little disappointed but not too surprised. I honestly didn't expect it to happen the first cycle.

I'm also considering starting to chart. I know I said I was going to try not to, but I've been thinking about it more and more.

So, any tips? What should I do first if I decide to go for it?


  1. Hi there. I am new to this whole thing too and this is my second cycle and I just started charting and I love it. All of my info is in the same spot and the site gives you great info all about TTC. I am now addicted to charting. Good Luck!

  2. What to do first? Get a BBT - it doesn't have to be expensive, but it does need to read to two decimal points - then get a free account on Fertility Friend and make sure you do their online course on charting and fertility. It's pretty easy (and, like Relaxasaur said, addictive!) once you get used to temping at the same time every day. You can also buy Taking Charge of Your Fertility - it's a great resource!
