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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taking it easy

I haven´t posted in awhile because I´ve been taking it easy. And by taking it easy, I mean relaxing and not TTCing. Why you ask? It´s very simple really. I was stressing myself out worrying about the possibility of being pregnant and thousands of miles away from my doctor(s) while I´m on vacation for three weeks stateside. I decided the easiest and best thing to do would be to TTA. I´m sure it will work out for the best. Maybe I can shed a few pounds in the coming weeks. September will be soon enough to ttc again.

In the mean time I have my beautiful chart to look at, and for once not obcess about. I also have three good books waiting for me to read at my sister´s house and maybe a pitcher of margaritas. See, not ttcing can be a good thing. Lots of yummy seafood and drinks without the guilt/worry. So I´m taking it easy.

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