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Monday, July 6, 2009

Introducing... my blob

After what feels like the longest wait in the history of the world, Mr. Legalosaur and I finally got to have our ultrasound today. FINALLY.

And while it was slightly anti-climactic after all the nerves and waiting that led up to this much coveted day, I am still so glad that we got to see our little blob once again... with a very healthy heartbeat of 175 bpm!

Even better is that I was able to have this ultrasound abdominally, which greatly pleased me. I do NOT enjoy the dildo-cam. (Although if I'm being honest, I'm a little sad that we couldn't get a better picture of the blob which probably would have resulted from a visit from the dildo-cam.)

Ah, well! I'm just happy to know that today our little bean is alive. I can breathe a big sigh of relief with this knowledge.

Being that our first little bean died around the 8 week mark with our first pregnancy (a missed miscarriage), I was quite nervous about today's ultrasound. Making it past the 8 week mark is my first "scary" point. The second "scary" point is to make it past the 12 week mark. And then I will breathe a lot easier.

I hope the days start passing quicker!


  1. Yay for a strong heartbeat and healthy baby! I know what you mean about hoping it starts to pass quicker. I feel like it's dragging and I just can't wait for the NT scan so I can see my baby again and make sure everything is still ok.

  2. I'm so glad that the ultrasound went well!
