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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stinky feet!

I had an appointment on Monday and all was well. We heard the heartbeat again and you could hear the baby kicking the uterus, which was pretty cool. Today I'm 14w2d. Second trimester, yes! I'm right on track with symptoms. When the WTE book says something new could happen in the next week, sure enough it does! This week was round ligament pain. Ouch! I have wonky hips, so I'm not surprised that I'm already feeling some pain in them. I imagine it's only going to get worse. One symptom I never expected was stinky feet! Yesterday my feet were uber sweaty and, this is gross, I could smell them while sitting at my desk. And now, sitting here blogging I could smell them again. I said to my husband, it this a pregnancy symptom!?? And sure enough, it is! Gross!

My next appointment is the end of March, I need to go in to have the blood drawn for my quad screen, then 2 weeks later I'll have my 20 week scan. I declined the first trimester screening, so I haven't had a scan since 6 weeks. I'm really looking forward to another one!

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