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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The TTC Swag

Trying to conceive is expensive.

At least it is if you are a control freak (just a little bit!) like me and must know what is going on at all times. Each month something new has been added to the regime.

The first month was the digital thermometer. I bought this months ago, but I believe it was 12 euro. I’ve joined Fertility Friend to track the temps, but so far I have resisted on splurging for the VIP membership.

Next up was the ovulation predictor kits. I know they have some of the simple strips which are cheaper, but after looking at samples of these online, I have a really hard time reading the lines. In an effort to take the guess work out of it, I buy the digital ones that produce a little smiley face. The amount of joy I get out of seeing that smiley face is ridiculous. I can’t imagine how I’ll feel if I get a positive pregnancy test! Unfortunately, the smiley face comes at a price. A box of 7 is 32 euro. Ouch.

This month we are adding Conceive Plus into the mix. Apparently this is the same thing as Pre-Seed, which is (from what I’ve found) only available online here in Ireland. The nice thing about the Conceive Plus is that it’s just a tube; it’s not separate application packets like the Pre-Seed. It will be nice if we get more than six uses out of the tube. The price is about the same – just under 18 euro. Double ouch.

Then of course are the pregnancy tests. I TRY to hold off as long as I can, but POAS is really addictive! I’ve also discovered that nothing will start your period faster than POAS. Depending on the brand, two tests run about 15 euro.

And of course there are the vitamins. I take EPO (pre-ovulation), B6, B complex, and folic acid. The price of these aren’t TOO bad with the EPO being the most expensive. The pharmacy does a 3 for 2 deal which is great.

All in all, this means I spend on average 50 euro a month on all this stuff. Yikes! It wouldn’t be so bad, but TTC swag isn’t nearly as cute as baby swag. I’d rather be buying baby swag!


  1. Welcome to Pregosaur! TTC swag is expensive. Skip the pre-seed. Really. VIP FF is also not necessary. They will "give" it to you every now and then anyway. I can highly recommend the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. I ordered mine from England and it and the sticks were just over 85 Euros. The sticks were cheaper than OPK´s. After I was done I passed it on to a friend who is now KU, too!

  2. Hmmm....that's good to know about the CBFM. I'm actually going to England next week, so maybe I'll have a look at it there.

    The Conceive Plus, well, that's more for dryness issues than anything else. But that's a whole other post! :-P

  3. Hello... we noticed your post on Sasmar Conceive Plus and we just wanted to say that the product is available in some BOOTS stores in Ireland as well as online. You can see a store listing on the website. The tube version has been hugely popular and soon individual applicators will also be available in response to consumer demand for them.

    Best Wishes XX

    The Team @ SASMAR

  4. Thanks! Boots is indeed where I bought mine!

  5. LOL. And I thought it was just me that was a little OCD over the TTC thing. Yep I to spend around £30-40 per month on this stuff. I think a clear blue fertility monitor will be purchased soon!
