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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

27 weeks!

Today I am 27 weeks. I´m amazed how the time has flown--I mean where did the last week go? I´m not even really working anymore. I work 2-4 hours a week and that´s it. It´s almost not work, and I am enjoying it. I can´t say that I have been terribly productive, because I haven´t. I have lots of projects that are half-finished. I mean I need to clean out the nursery completely and finish up those burp clothes, going home dress. I can say that I have washed and put away all the clothes that Miss Lillysaur has already gotten. I´m waiting for my mother to send the things she got at my shower. I´m also waiting for her to send the diapers I ordered. Fortunately mom was kind enough to do all the washing for me so I don´t have to do it whenever the package(s) come(s). It might be a bit before Grandmother Lillysaur gets around to sending the things, though. Grandfather Lillysaur is in the hospital recovering from open-heart surgery, so she has other things on her mind. And I don´t blame her one bit. I just want Grandfather Lillysaur to get well soon so he can come see his newest grandchild.

So ups: Miss Lillysaur is kicking, punching, boxing up a storm. She´s keeping me awake a lot at night now. Not sure if that´s really an up, but it´s nice to know that she is doing well.

Downs: My tailbone. Oh my aching tailbone. I broke my tailbone as a teenager and it wasn´t terribly much fun. Now my dear tailbone feels about like it did back then...only this time I am not too vain to sit on one of those donut cushions. I plan on getting the ob/gyn to give me a prescription for one at my appt. on Monday. I´m also hoping she´ll have some other suggestions about what to do.

Weight gain: I have no idea, nor do I even want to know at this point.

Belly button: Oh, it´s going to be an outie, I can tell. Some days it is, and some days it´s mostly in, though I´m not sure in is the right word.

Maternity clothes: Oh heavens yes. I don´t think I could wear anything else at this point. A couple of the things I have are even getting too small...I really was hoping not to buy anymore things to wear, but I may not have a choice in that I see.

How big is baby: I don´t really know, but I`m guessing she must be over a kilo now, but I´m sure the ob/gyn will give me the latest measurements on Monday along with how the blood is flowing to the baby....

Cravings: Peanut Butter Pie. I made some for Mr. Lillysaur´s b-day and had some for breakfast this morning. I still love, love, love eating potatos. Yes, potatos. Nomm.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooh peanut butter pie! I'd love a piece right now! (LOL I think this is the reason I'm not losing the baby weight!)
