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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Charting success for an A-type personality

Our decision to TTC this summer came to us quite quickly over the 2008 holiday season. We have gone from "maybe we'll get started in 2011" to "let's get pregnant THIS summer." No one is more surprised than me! When Mr. Divasaur and got hitched 18 months ago he had the baby rabies really badly. So we got a puppy. That puppy just turned one and some how, in the past year, I have come around. I don't know when, I don't even know how, but I do know that it has hit me. Like a ton of bricks.

So after the shock of actually wanting to do this I went into planning mode. I stopped my birth control pills (BCP), starting taking prenatal vitamins, ordered Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCoYF), signed up for Fertility Friend (FF), and bought a basal body temperature thermometer (BBT). I wanted to get to the business of charting fluctuating waking temperatures and ever-changing cervical mucus all in search of that one day each month when you O. Not THE big O, the other one...ovulation.

So I set my alarm clock for 4:45 a.m. so I could be sure to wake before our menace of a cat could get the idea first and tucked my trusty BBT in the nightstand drawer. Faithful to the egg and its journey, each morning I awoke and took my temperature before doing anything else. Once I actually did get up I entered the precious number into FF and noted my other "symptoms"...increased appetite, skin break-outs, stuffy nose, you name it. And I even learned that the flux in my CM is not only normal, but a great thing! Who knew? It's taken me nearly three-and-a-half decades of life on this earth to figure that one out! I was a little uncertain that my first go at charting could be so clear so I panicked and bought some ovulation predictor kit (OPK) strips. The cheapies, of course. But they worked and confirmed what my chart was only telling me.

And luckily, first cycle of BCP my cycle was back to "normal". Thirty-one days long and ovulation on CD17. Yipee! When you've waited as long as I have to even fathom becoming pregnant it's a little scary to think that it might not even be possible. Especially since every gynecological medical professional you talk to immediately reminds you that you are of "advanced maternal age". UGH!

Ever the planner, I researched my OB/GYN options and got a new one that was highly recommended to me. She's reassured me that my age and weight and anything else I am worried about should not hinder my ability to conceive. She also told me that I should try to relax and enjoy the process. She doesn't know me very well, after all we've just met. But she will...

So...the ovaries are least according to my chart. But being the overachiever that I am I want high tech back-up to confirm my results. So I scour the 'net and score a deal of a ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor(CBEFM). Ever the pragmatist, I justified this first big, baby-related expense as an investment in our family's future since we'll definitely want baby #2 someday and therefore I will get two for the price of one. Right? First we've got to get baby #1. The plan is start using the CBEFM in March, which will be my third cycle off BCP and two cycles before we actively TTC. I hope that will all of this accurate pinpointing of my fertility we'll get knocked-up this summer. Best laid plans?

February is my second cycle charting. Now in the swing of all things fertility-related, I have dropped morning cup o'joe and have substituted jasmine green tea. I have also lost 19 lbs. but completely overhauling the way I eat and incorporating daily exercise into my routine. I want to be a lean, mean, baby-making machine come June. I am eating low-glycemic fruit, lots of fresh veggies, lean proteins and high fiber, complex carbs five or six mini-meals at day. No sugar, no salt, no dairy or added fats. And 100-140 oz. of fresh, filtered water each day. It feels good to get the processed and unhealthy foods out of my system. I am also skipping my occasional glass of red wine. My cravings are diminished, my skin is looking better and my energy levels are off the chart. I also continue to chart and am grateful that my cycle is right on target with O on CD17 again this month.

As March approaches I am gearing up to continue on my new eating plan and exercise regime, adding in some weight resistance training a couple days a week. I will also break out the CBEFM, although I am feeling more and more confident in my charting ability. Type A? You bet. But I knew that. My family thinks I am nuts, trying to plan my first pregnancy. They don't believe in it. You just get pregnant. You don't even have to try. They didn't. You see, most of my family members' babies were "accidental", although I really think that if you're doing the horizontal mambo with no protection you might as well expect to get knocked up! They also don't understand why I am in my thirties and just considering motherhood. Oh well...I have never quite fit the mold with them anyway.

And don't you know...I am already researching doulas, maternity wear, baby items, as well as our daycare and school options? You know, to somehow be prepared. As if I could ever, ever truly prepare for what is ahead. Something tells me that deciding to get pregnant may just be the easy part of all of this. Only time will tell.

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