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Monday, June 8, 2009

Trying something different

So, last cycle I stopped temping for the second half of the 2WW, but kept recording potential symptoms. This cycle - the entire thing, not just the last week - I've decided to do the opposite and only temp and record CM, but not symptoms.

Why? Eh. Why not?

Phantom symptoms are probably the most obnoxious part of trying to make a baby - unless you get early onset morning sickness, it's just so difficult to tell what could be a real symptom and what could just be due to stress or PMS; plus there are the obnoxious pregnancy points that Fertility Friend doles out when you have the VIP subscription, which are really just ridiculous (don't get me wrong, I love my VIP - I just don't like that feature).

So this cycle, I'm going old school, with temps only (you could argue that not doing anything to track your fertility is truly old school, but we all know I'm way too obsessive to just quit cold turkey like that). I'm not sure if I'll temp the last week or just quit charting entirely for that period this time around - we'll see how stressed it makes me feel once I'm actually there.

Cross your fingers for me, everyone - let's hope this is the cycle!

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