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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Did AF go on a vacation too?

Well, still no sign of AF at all and I took another HPT today that was negative. Since this is technically day 29, I guess AF could still come late, but it's just frustrating. After researching online, it seems that the most probable scenario is that my cycles might be messed up for a while since I was on BCP for so long. Now I almost wish I had never started taking BCP, since it's most likely the reason for my lateness. I'm going on vacation to the beach tomorrow, so I bet AF will decide to show up while I'm sitting on the beach in my bathing suit, she likes surprises!

I weighed myself this morning and somehow I've gained two pounds in the last three weeks, which may or may not be a side effect of going off the pill. It's funny because I plan on going back on a diet and trying to exercise more since this two pounds makes a total of 9 pounds I've gained back since my wedding. However, there's this little voice in the back of my head that says I shouldn't worry since I'm TTC!

According to

If you are already fit, and exercise regularly, then you should be able to safely continue with your exercise routine. A study at Columbia University School of Public Health found that fit women in healthy, low-risk pregnancies, who exercised at least an hour a day, three days a week, improved their pregnancy outcome and increased the birth weight of their baby by about five percent. Studies also show that women who exercise before and during pregnancy have half the risk of delivering prematurely. They are also able to more easily handle the stress that pregnancy puts on their body, have less excess weight gain, less constipation and do better emotionally and physically than those who don't exercise.

Recently, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists set out guidelines for exercise during pregnancy. The following is a synopsis of those guidelines:

  1. Regular exercise (at least three times per week) is preferable to intermittent activity.
  2. Vigorous exercise should not be performed when mom-to-be is ill, or during hot, humid weather.
  3. Jerky, bouncy motions should be avoided. Exercise on a wooden floor or a tightly carpeted surface.
  4. Because of the relaxation of connective tissue, pregnant women should avoid extreme stretching exercises.
  5. Vigorous exercise should be preceded by a five-minute warm-up, such as slow walking.
  6. Strenuous exercise should be followed by a period of gradually declining activity that includes gentle stretching.
  7. Heart rate should be measured at times of peak activity and probably should not exceed a maximum of 150 beats per minute. (There are reports of pregnant, high-level competitive athletes who approached and even exceeded the recommended maximum heart rate without any apparent harmful effects on the fetus, but consult with your care provider if you have concerns.)
  8. Care should be taken to rise gradually from the floor to avoid an episode of dizziness (from low blood pressure) related to changes in position. Some form of activity involving the legs should be continued for a brief period.
  9. Liquids should be taken liberally before and after exercise to prevent dehydration. If necessary, activity should be interrupted to replenish fluids.
  10. Women who have led sedentary lifestyles should begin with physical activity of very low intensity and advance activity levels very gradually.
  11. Activity should be stopped and a care provider notified if any unusual symptoms appear.
It seems to me that it would make the most sense to get into an exercise routine now that I can continue when I get pregnant, there certainly seem to be a lot of benefits as well. I've always loved exercise and fitness, so it's good to hear that exercise is useful during pregnancy and before pregnancy.

Well, tomorrow I'll be right back in this spot (this is me in the picture) and hopefully the stress of TTC will leave me alone for a while, let's just hope AF doesn't decide to join me on vacation!

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