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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weight checks

Well its been a little more than a week since we got home. My mother left on Sunday and my husband is taking this week off from work. I would say it is a typical house with a newborn, I still have my PJs on and baby and daddy are still sleeping. The mornings are just an extension of the night so its typical to roll out of bed around 11. That leaves for a relatively short day to get other things accomplished but I really only have one job right now. Taking care of the baby.

We have been to the pediatricians four times since her birth because they were concerned with her weight gain. She was born at 9lb 14oz and was released from the hospital at 9lbs. That was 10% of her weight and they start getting "concerned" at 9%. Our second weight check she went down to 8lb 14oz, since being at the hospital we have been supplementing with formula because my milk did not come in right away so at that weight we bumped up the amount of formula we gave her. We had to return to the drs the next day and she went up to 9lb 4oz.

Now our pediatrician is super cool and the whole time was saying that she just wanted to keep an eye out and wasn't super worried and how 200 years ago they didn't weigh the babies that much so they didn't know if they lost of gained weight in the first week of life. For us the pediatrician is literally at the end of our street within walking distance so I didn't mind taking the walk down there.

As of yesterday she is 9lb 3 oz and we don't have to go back till January.

And I hear my call for more food so I have to wrap it up. As soon as I can I will post the birth story too.

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