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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas, Love AF

Well, it wasn't quite Christmas.. she waited till the 26th to ruin my holiday. I know I've reached the point where I haven't much hope, but she still ruins my day.

You see up until CD 27 I had this beautiful chart:

Perfect in every way.. clear ovulation, beautiful rise, "dip" that everyone on my message boards was SURE was an implantation dip... then she struck. My one consolation: I switched from B^ to a B-complex for my luteal phase defect and it seemed to work half decent. I didn't have days of spotting before AF showed.

And the witch didn't show alone.. she brought a whole family of migraines with her who plague me daily so far this cycle... since I didn't want HER I surly don't want her stowaways. CD4 and I'm sick of it.

I'm going back to soy isoflavones this month. I do ovulate but I would like some stronger, larger follies in the event that one is caught.

Cycle #16 TTC#3... here we go again.



  1. I'm sorry. :( Those perfect charts are the worst! I have them too, and still get nothing but AF out of it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. SORRY!! That ^^^^ was me replying from my other blog... OOPS!!!

    It seems to be the rule rather than the exception (good charts/bad af). I'm beyond tired if infertility... my womb needs a change of scenery!!!
