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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's talk about stretch marks

I'm going to be honest: I'm mildly afraid of what pregnancy is going to do to my body. OK, not mildly afraid. I'm actually a little terrified.

I'm far from a supermodel (unless you like them 5'6" and on the dumpy side), so I'm not so much concerned with weight gain as things like savage stretchmarks and saggy boobs. I like my boobs. They're one of my best features, and I don't care how vain it is to say that. This is about honesty, remember. Although I'm willing to sacrifice that vanity for a baby, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm actively looking forward to my perky girls morphing into two tennis balls in tube socks.
And then yesterday I stumbled across this website: The Shape of a Mother. (WARNING: there is nothing obscene about these images, but some do involve full nudity, so you might not want to click on that if you're at work.) Bonnie has made it her mission to show post-pregnancy bodies for what they are - stretch marks and all - and invited women to submit photos of themselves along with their stories. In her words:
Sure we all talk about the sagging boobs and other parts, but no one ever sees them. Or if they do, it's in comical form, mocking the beauty that created and nourished our children. It is my dream, then, to create this website where women of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can share images of their bodies so it will no longer be secret. So we can finally see what women really look like sans airbrushes and plastic surgery. I think it would be nothing short of amazing if a few of our hearts are healed, or if we begin to cherish our new bodies which have done so much for the human race.
I spent some time browsing with fascination through the galleries, reading the stories, examining the stretches, scars and sags. All groups are represented, from 19-year-olds (again: nudity warning) to experienced surrogates to plus sized moms. And all of them simultaneously fret over the changes to their bodies while glorying in knowledge of the mothers they've become.

I can't say that it's put my mind at ease - if anything, it's reemphasized that unless some super awesome genetics kick in (which is doubtful), I will end up with the tube sock boobs. But at the same time, it's remarkably empowering and inspirational to see these women - even if they're still unhappy with their appearance - fully nude, standing tall and proud of what they've accomplished.

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