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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby crazy

I've always loved babies and I've always known I wanted to be a mom. I remember when I was a little girl, I'd put a pillow under my shirt and pretend I was pregnant. I'd even walk around with my hand on my lower back like I saw pregnant women do on tv. Weird? Yeah, maybe. But I guess there was just something inside me that knew I was made for motherhood. I'm totally that girl. The one who started planning her wedding and naming her future children when she was 6 years old.

If ever there was a baby in the room, I had to be the one to hold it. I just can't resist them! Especially newborns. In fact, I even made a career out of my love of babies.

I work with tiny babies like this:

And sometimes big, fat babies like this:

I have to be honest, though. Sometimes my job makes me not want a baby of my own! Listening to screaming babies all night can do that to you. At least I can get away from them after my 12 hours is up. There's no clocking in and out of motherhood...

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