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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thirty-Two Weeks

Today I am thirty-two weeks pregnant. Not much has changed from last week. Miss Libby continues to kick up a storm. The other morning my belly had a weird point in it, just above my belly button. I am guessing it was her bum or knees or something. We have an appointment tomorrow and will have an ultrasound so I hope to get a better idea of how she's situated in there. She's been head down since 28 weeks, but I don't know if she's sunny-side up or not.

My body continues to feel the aches and pains of the third trimester. My latest development is that bending over at the waist is really no longer an option. I either need to squat to get down low or use my toes to pick things off the floor (like dog toys or a lost sock, etc.) It's pretty annoying, actually. I rarely sleep through the night and am usually up about every 2 hours either to pee or because I am uncomfortable or both. I have finally devised a sleeping "nest" of about 8 pillows that I pile up in a way that allows me to be on my back without being flat on it...sort of in the way that you can innertube on your backside, but you're not flat on your back at all. Sleeping on my side has been killing my hip, so this has been the compromise and so far, so good.

Last weekend was busy with getting more prepared for her arrival. Our crib mattress arrived and the crib is being shipped this week. The rug we ordered for her room is also on its way. I finished up some decorative DIY projects and will put them up as soon as her room is organized. I finished the last load of baby wash and scored some great bargains at a local consignment shop. They had a $5/bag sale in that you can stuff as many things as you can fit into one of their shopping bags and it's only $5. Even better there are no limits, so I got 3 bags worth of clothing for $15! We are all set on clothes through the end of next summer. I also scored a Schwinn Jogger Stroller for $30! It has big tires that you pump with air (like a bike) and a hand break. Our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks and the streets are rough with tree roots and water damage, etc. so I am glad we'll have a comfy ride for Libby when we walk the neighborhood. We can also use this stroller on local park trails that are unpaved. Now we just have to get our pug dogs used to walking along side a stroller. All in due time.

Speaking of due time, I have been having the feeling lately that I won't make to my EDD of 02.02.10. I cannot really pinpoint why though. Maybe it's the GD diagnosis? Before that I always had a feeling I might go past my EDD. But lately the date of 01.19.10 stands out in my head as the day she'll arrive. Don't ask me why. Women's intuition? I have no idea. Only time will tell.

According to BabyCenter, here's what's happening this week:

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

ETA: 12.09.09 - We saw the OB today and had an u/s. Libby is measuring 4 lbs. and 9 ozs. She is head down, but sunny-side up. She still has plenty of time to turn over and I do hope she does because sunny-side up = back labor. OUCH! Seems that big movement she makes near my belly button that causes the "pointiness" is her drawing her knees up down towards her chest and they straightening them out again. We got to see her lungs "practice breathing" and her heart beating, as well as hear it. The doctor says she looks great and has plenty of fluid around her, etc. Next week I begin non-stress tests once a week at the hospital's labor and delivery floor.


  1. Glad to hear little Libby is doing well - I hope she turns over soon for you!

  2. Exciting stuff! I'm sure she'll turn over. Have you been spending a little time on your knees leaning forward? I think I was told around now is the right time to do it because if you can get her to turn now she should soon pretty much stay put when she runs out of room. I was using my pilates ball when watching TV in the evening, kneeling behind it and leaning my arms on it.

    Good luck!
