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Friday, October 9, 2009

The Last Box

One night in August, on the way home from a weekend away, I reminded my hubby if he was planning on BD, he would need to buy the 'last box' we had discussed last week.

He got a big grin on his face, and was like, "Does that mean you want to BD?"

I refused to answer with a grin on my face, and just repeated my statement.

He non chalantly changed lanes so we could exit and go to the drug store.

I was so anxious. This was it. I was giddy in fact.

I waited in the car while he went in to make his purchase.

And what does he come out with?


I just started to cry.

He was laughing.


He didn't get it!!

And I started to explain that HIS friend would be staying with us in our TINY apartment, and then AF was scheduled for the following week, so that's THREE weeks in Sept, that took away from baby making and that the box would last until CHRISTMAS!

Then, I was like, "You don't want to have a baby do you?"

Fortunately I was able to calm down pretty quickly and talk rationally.

He was like, "Like I went in thinking of how many times in September I WASN'T going to get it. I wasn't about to go in and buy a three pack, I'd look like I never get it."

And then he pointed out, we had planned to wait six months after we got married (Sept 28), and he was just trying to make it to then like we had agreed, and he only made the box deal so that we wouldn't worry about a specific date.


Then, he proceeds to tell me that maybe HE wanted to do a special farewell come time.

Dang it. I married one of those guys that knows what a big deal this is and wants to make it special.

That makes me feel a little better.

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