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Monday, October 19, 2009

For Mr Bibliosaur, with love

Dear Mr Bibliosaur,

I feel like I'm always writing about myself - how I'm feeling, how I'm doing, what I'm thinking, all that stuff. Which makes sense, because I'm the one this is physically happening to, but sometimes I forget that there's someone else involved with all of this, too: you, my wonderful husband.

You been amazing during this pregnancy, and I can't begin to say how grateful I am. You're always there to give me an outlet for my fears and hopes, to take care of the house and our pets when I'm too exhausted to even think about moving from the couch, to patiently weather my constantly changing food cravings and aversions, and to encourage me when I'm feeling worried or overwhelmed with symptoms. I'm so touched by your thoughtfulness, like when you went on an interstate trip and returned with a present of some super sour handmade candy from a boutique candy store, just to help with my constant nausea. You have been so thoughtful and caring, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without your love and support.

So I just want to say - thank you, Mr Bibliosaur. I am SO lucky to have met and married you, and I wouldn't want to be doing this with anyone else in the world.

With all my love,
your Bibliosaur
(and the two little Bibliosaurs-on-the-way, too)

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet letter. It is so great to have such a supportive husband, isn't it?
