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Friday, May 1, 2009

So, about that week of getting busy...

Remember my last post? The one where I vowed that Mr Bibliosaur and I would get it on for seven days straight? Yeah...that didn't happen. But it's not for the reason you think (I'm betting you're thinking exhaustion, haha!). Instead, it's because I had a surprise ovulation.

And when I say surprise, I mean SURPRISE. I know that ovulation dates can vary, but I'm a rock solid CD16 kind of girl. I could have shrugged at CD15, and I wouldn't have even blinked at CD17...but CD13?

Yup. CD13. 100%. Absolutely. Without a doubt.

You might wonder why my crosshairs are dotted instead of the usual solid red line. Fertility Friend does this when your ovulation signs conflict - in my case, everything points to ovulation except for the negative OPKs. But even those have a good explanation.

If you look at the OPK tests on my BFP chart, I only had one day of positives; two days seems to be more common, judging by Fertility Friend charts. This makes me think that I probably just have a short LH surge; in this case, it might have simply lasted less than 24 hours, which isn't unheard of - I googled it this morning and came up with a ton of examples of this, and one that was even less than 21 hours. So if this cycle isn't successful, I think that next month I'm going to use the OPKs twice a day (morning and evening) and see if that catches the surge. Just out of curiosity.

I have to say, I'm glad we decided to start getting busy waaaay before I thought we'd actually need to - if I trusted my CD16 average and waited until CD14 or so to start, we'd have missed our chance completely! As it is, our timing wasn't bad - we only missed one day in the critical five day window.

So now it's on to the dreaded two week wait...wish me luck!


  1. Good luck, your timing looks good to me!

  2. Great timing! Good luck in the 2WW! I am right behind you and maybe, just maybe we'll be BFP buddies! How cool would THAT be?

  3. Tons and tons of luck!!!!

    It's amazing how much you KNOW about your body when you chart. I regard all you charters with awe, because I don't have a clue... although I'm starting to figure out your "lingo". :o)

  4. Looks like you guys had good timing! Good luck! I was never able to get a positive OPK test. I only tested once a day though.

  5. what time of day were you testing? I think that's why they say 2pm is the best time to test. In any case, good luck!! You had great time despite the surprise

  6. Ooooh! Hoping your BD worked! :-)
