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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still Waiting or The Pitfalls of Charting

So yesterday my temperature took a big nose dive. And to be honest, so did my heart. I cried. My chart was looking so good, and of course my "symptoms" made the little pregnancy points indicator give me a 99/100 at FF. Not that I put a ton of stock in that, I mean it's just a computer generated analysis of user-determined "symptoms." That said, I do trust my body and much of what I have been feeling lately is outside the "normal" range for me. It’s so amazing to me that for years the thought of POAS and getting a BFP terrified me and now, it’s the one thing I want the most!

That said, after getting myself together emotionally I combed the Internet for fallback rise charts and implantation after 10DPO, pregnancy charts with a dip below the coverline, you name it. Chalk it up to my lack of patience and hyper-educated, type-A tendencies. Then it dawned on me. What if I wasn’t actually 14DPO? So I looked at my chart and remembered an OPK I had taken on CD16. I had a left over Answer strip from my last cycle and even though I was using the CBEFM I figured what the heck. Those two line tests are always in the eye of the beholder and now I am wondering if I saw a positive because I wanted to see one. Well, I think that little decision has thrown my chart off this month by two days.

Take a peek and see what I mean...

With the OPK factored in, my CH are at CD17

Without the OPK factored in, my CH move to CD19

If I change the FF analyzer to Monitor Mode only, my CHs are at CD18
Cycle #3 - Monitor Mode

So, what does this mean? It means I O'd sometime between CD17 and CD19. The timing is good no matter, although I have learned from this experience that it's best to FWP a couple of times during the days just following your suspected O date. If I actually O’d on CD19 and not CD17 or CD18, then yesterday, I was only DPO12. This still doesn’t quite explain the temp drop, but since my LP is 14 days, it gives me a glimmer of hope that I am not totally out this cycle. Those pregnancy points are still at 99. Only time will tell and the wait continues. I won’t test until AF is officially late.

Mr. Divasaur and I head out of state tomorrow for a getaway. I am not packing any FRERs. I will however, bring my CBEFM, sticks and a stock of tampons, just in case I need them. If I don’t, then I will POAS when I get back next week. At this point, all I can do is hope and wait and see.


  1. Try not to stress and overanalyze; I know I always change this temp to this and that to that and in the long run it doesn't matter.

    In some ways charting shows you so much, but it can also drive you crazy by giving you tangible options.

    Enjoy your trip!

  2. I am so sorry this is so stressful :( Maybe getting away will be a good thing! And it will happen for you!

  3. Enjoy your trip. I'm wishing and hoping for a BFP for you...

  4. I didn't know you could influence the charts so much! They can be quite confusing. Knowing the typical window is what helps tho, so I think your FWP plan sounds good!
