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Friday, April 3, 2009

Solid Crosshairs

Yay! I was worried because I had to temp 30 minutes earlier than my normal time because our menace of a cat decided to wake me up. And taking temps earlier or later than your normal time can screw up your chart. I just entered today's temperature on Fertility Friend and even though there's an open circle indicating that the time was not inline with my "normal" time, I still got nice solid, red crosshairs confirming what I really felt was O day, CD17.

I don't know if it's because this is cycle three of charting and I am starting to really be in tune with my body and get the hang of it or if my ovulation this time around was just way more obvious, but I swear, I actually felt the moment the egg was released. It was like a deep, twisting pinch, low on my ride side, in the triangle between my hip bone, pubic bone and belly button. I was at my desk and it took my breath away for a moment. That was at a little before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday and by 4:30 p.m. DH and I were down to business!

What's great about today is that I am pretty confident that I am at DPO3. This means that our FWP timing was as ideal as it can get, with sessions on each of the two days preceding O, twice on O day and once on the day after. There is a rule of thought that you should skip DPO2 and be sure to do it one more time on DPO3, so that's what we'll do. Not sure if this is more psychological or what, but it's what I have read on the sperm meets egg plan.

So I continue to wait with a better picture of what the next 10-12 days will be. In the past my temps have dropped considerably by DPO11, signaling that AF was on the way. If my temps stay up closer to next weekend, I will feel hopeful and test on Easter morning. Now all I can do is pray that there's a little zygote on its way to becoming baby Divasaur.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for solid cross hairs and excellent timing! My fingers are crossed for you.
